SynthTrax Home

From SynthTrax

All The Synths Used In All the Songs!

Moog Minimoog Model D (1970)
Illustration of the ARP Odyssey
ARP Odyssey (1972)

  • What synths did Gary Numan use on Cars?
  • What synth is that on Daft Punk's Da Funk?
  • What is Bernie Worrell playing on Parliament's epic Flash Light?

Good questions - glad you asked! This will be the resource to answer all these questions - and more!

This Wiki will list all the songs and the synths they use.

Article pages will focus on a single synthesizer, and call out the first, the most important, the most interesting, famous - or just plain awesome sounding synth tracks. With embedded YouTube clips of the songs in question.

Song list pages are organised by synth, and will comprise tables of every song that has a verified use of that synth

And a key difference with all those generic 'listicle' articles that list tracks that feature the Minimoog or DX7 is that these will be verified citations, not just repeats of internet 'common knowledge'. It's surprising that even Wikipedia isn't very good at referencing synth usage. Each entry in the database will be proved through one or more of the following pieces of evidence:

  • Sleeve notes
  • Quotes from interviews in reputable journals and books (where primary sources are cited)
  • Videos or photographs
  • Ads (up to a point - paid promotion doesn't guarantee usage on a song/album)
  • Verified entries on here by the artists themselves

This crusade may be impossible, foolhardy even – and may never be complete* (*will definitely never be complete!) - but we may discover some great music along the way and gain an even deeper appreciation of these fantastic and always-futuristic synthesizer machines! More details of the project here and how to contribute.

Good starting articles & song lists for the first-time visitor

Synthesizers: full list

New synths will be added to the list when their pages are created!














Notable Musicians